Monthly Archives: September 2017

John Bannon Pharma add Ultherapy to our Merz Protfolio

John Bannon Pharma are now delighted to announce that we have added Ultherapy to our merz portfolio. Ultherapy is a non-surgical ultrasound treatment that stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin deep within the skin. Ultherapy® uses precise ultrasound energy to target the deep structural layers of the skin without disrupting the skin’s surface.  […]

Cellenis PRP Training Day 29th Sept

John Bannon Pharma are hosting a Fully Certified PRP training course at our headquarters in John Bannon Ltd Hatch street on Friday September 29th 10am-3pm. Cost €395 Includes PRP Starter kit for 4 patients. 20% Off for John Bannon Pharma Customers.   Call 01 678 9665 or Email to book your place.